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Love is in the air this weekend, and we think this is a great chance to look back at six of our audience favourites over the past decade that centred around love, romance, family, and memorable characters. 

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!


Crazy For You ® (2017)

Ayrin Mackie, Andrew MacDonald Smith. Photo by David Cooper.

This TC/Citadel Theatre co-production of the Gershwin & Ludwig classic is perhaps one of the most rousing and energetic shows we’ve ever presented. The play followed Andrew MacDonald-Smith’s Bobby Child as he pursued Aryin Mackie’s Polly Baker through multiple romantic misadventures and musical numbers. The play was a resounding hit with audiences, and garnered Betty Mitchell Awards for Choreography, Music Direction, MacDonald-Smith’s performance, and Outstanding Production of a Musical.

Watch the original trailer.


Dear Johnny Deere (2015)

Rebecca Auerbach, J.D. Nicholsen. Photo by Trudie Lee.

Built around the music of Fred Eaglesmith, Ken Cameron’s play is a heartfelt and grassroots look at love. The play focuses on the beautifully tumultuous life on the farm of Johnny (J.D. Nicholsen) and Caroline (Rebecca Auerbach). When temptation comes calling, putting their 13-year marriage to the test, the true love between these two rural Canadians proved stronger in this foot-stomping musical that became an audience favourite.

Watch a song from a 2015 rehearsal.


Liberation Days (2014)

Lindsey Angell, Byron Allen. Photo by Trudie Lee.

David van Belle’s play made its premiere at Theatre Calgary, and focused on the beautiful love story between a young Canadian soldier (Byron Allen) and a Dutch woman (Lindsey Angell) during the liberation of the Netherlands. The story was a personal one for playwright van Belle, whose parents were children during WWII and were liberated by the Canadians, which led to their eventual immigration to Canada.

Take a look back behind the scenes.


Kim's Convenience (2013)

Jean Yoon, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee. Photo by Trudie Lee.

Before becoming a household name and a fixture on CBC, Ins Choi's Kim's Convenience started out on stage. Love and family are the central core of the Kim family, who manage their way through their daily Toronto life by connecting, mending, and sharing their true love and relationships with one another in both funny and heartwarming ways. And there may have never been more memorable married characters to have graced our stage than Umma and Appa!


Pride and Prejudice (2012)

Shannon Taylor, Tyrell Crews. Photo by Trudie Lee.

This world premiere adaptation of Jane Austen’s beloved novel by Janet Munsil treated audiences to a beautiful telling of the courtship between Elizabeth Bennett (Shannon Taylor) and Mr. Darcy (Tyrell Crews). A huge hit with our audiences, following its run at Theatre Calgary the show (a co-production) played at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa.


Betrayal (2010)

Paul Hopkins, Jan Alexandra Smith. Photo by Trudie Lee.

A heartbreaking look at romance as told by a master playwright. Harold Pinter’s story of love, infidelity, and desire is told in reverse, with the play beginning at the end of an affair, moving backwards to the moment the lovers first share an adulterous kiss. Our production featured Paul Hopkins, Jan Alexandra Smith, Blair Williams, and Tony Eyamie.