Box Office hours:  Mon: 10am - 5pm,   Tues - Fri: 10am - 8pm,   Sat: 12pm - 8pm (closed Sunday & statutory holidays).
SUBSCRIBE to the remaining shows our season: 403-294-7447

As a theatre and arts organization, we view our community and the world through a lens of equality. At its best, theatre has the power to reflect and include a multiplicity of voices and stories.

Those stories Theatre Calgary shares, as well as the artists we nurture, will continue to evolve as we support transformative theatre, leading audiences to an understanding of each other and the beautiful differences that exist between us. Now, more than ever, this is vitally important as the world listens, learns and grows through this movement.

 - Stafford Arima, Artistic Director

Do the best you can, until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."

Maya Angelou